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BOSU® Elite Home Workout

10 min Upper Body & Core

BOSU® Elite Home Workout

10 min Lower Body & Core

Athletic Workset

BOSU® Elite


This section presents videos between 2min-10min that feature ballistics, core, strength & conditioning, and compression workouts designed to provide full-body training and exponentially increase strength to make you feel more powerful when training. All of the workouts are designed to be performed in limited spaces to give you the ability to maximize your training from the comfort of your home.

The BOSU® Elite’s high-density dome is designed to take the pressure you apply and turn it into dynamic elastic resistance to generate explosive power and dynamic isometric tension. The greater resistance generated by the dome makes the BOSU® Elite an incredibly versatile tool and allows users to perform a wide range of workouts.

If you would like to purchase a BOSU® Elite, click the 'Buy Now' button below. If you would like to become a certified BOSU® Elite Instructor click the “Training Workshop” button to learn more.

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